November 05, 2005

Suffering Fools

To answer a question...

I know not who is the greater fool;
Me for choosing to believe in you,
Or you for choosing to live without me.


C'est la vie. Au revoir, mon ami.

The Boy is in his hometown this weekend, which left me to the girls last night. A good time was had by all, if I remember it correctly.

Tonight I went out briefly after work, but came home early to start studying for my Monday exam. Yes, I am a bit of a geek, but there are people who spent their Saturday night staring at the TV...who made better use of their time?

I'm a fan of the soup. Particularly if it has cheese or potatoes in it. And if the soup is in a giant soup mug and I have saltines to go with it? Well, I am nearly in heaven then.

The only thing better is Panera soup in the sourdough bread bowl. Oh my.

Posted by Jenelle at November 5, 2005 11:01 PM | TrackBack