November 24, 2005

All Over Except the Leftovers

I'm back in my own home, with a Ziplock full of turkey and a Tupperware full of stuffing. Mom got a 21 pound turkey this year (for 7 people), so Dad wouldn't let me leave without taking some home. It kept for the 2-hour drive in my trunk, nicely refrigerated since it's about 19 degrees outside.

Had to come home tonight, because tomorrow I have to go to the store bright and early. No, not to shop with the other fools. To work. Yay. Hopefully it will be dead, because we're not having any sales. Everyone should be at the mall. We're hoping. Please, God, let them stay at the mall.

Being a poor college student and all, I don't do a lot of retail therapy anymore. But sometimes it can't be helped. Whenever I break up with somebody, for example, I have to buy new clothes and/or makeup. In the last week or so I've bought all-new makeup, a new pair of boots, and some pretty blouses. Not because I broke up with The Boy, mind you, but because I unloaded some previous emotional baggage.

Two years ago (almost to the exact day, if memory serves), there was another boy. Let's just say my attachment lasted longer than his. But I finally got with the program, and now I can pretty safely say all attachment is severed. So I've spent the last week getting lots of compliments on my looks, which I am shallow enough to thoroughly enjoy.

Victor: Gerard Butler.

Posted by Jenelle at November 24, 2005 09:33 PM | TrackBack

The artist formerly known as the pb?

Posted by: Pete at November 26, 2005 07:22 PM