May 24, 2006


I've noticed that whenever someone is tan at work, a few other co-workers will ask if that person has been tanning (salon-style). I can see that question in February, but at the end of May? It's been sunny and warm here long enough that you don't need a tanning bed to have a little color. Going outside occasionally without SPF92 will do it. Today it was my turn to be quizzed on my nonexistent tanning habits.

Is this a generational thing? To think that all suntans come from a bed of lights? I realize it is passe to slather on the oil and bake yourself in the actual sun, but if you go outside you're bound to get some color.

One of the girls asked the hsbf if he'd been tanning, and he impressed me with his response. He said nothing, but lifted his sleeve to show his paler upper arm. I mean, really. Do 17-year-old boys even go to tanning salons anyway?

Kids today.

Posted by Jenelle at May 24, 2006 05:10 PM | TrackBack

I've never even seen a tanning bed. The more disturbing trend is tan in a can.

Posted by: Paul at May 25, 2006 05:35 AM

The wife went to a bed before the wedding since it was in March and she had a strapless dress; but I've never been to one. I can't sit still for that long unless I'm sleeping or getting head. And even then...

Posted by: shank at May 25, 2006 06:37 AM