July 17, 2006

Pirates, Dead Man's Chest And So On

I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with Trey Givens and say I liked the movie.

It was a little too jam-packed with action, maybe, but it certainly made the time fly. Lots of throw-back references to the first movie, but we've all seen it, so we all got the jokes. Nothing wrong with that.

And it ended in a way that makes me anticipate the third installment. Nothing wrong with that, either.

It was fun times. Maybe not quite as much as the first, but I think that's only because the novelty wore off. I recommend it...just make sure you get the small pop like I did so you're not going to the bathroom at a critical juncture like my companion did.

Posted by Jenelle at July 17, 2006 05:08 PM | TrackBack