August 05, 2007

The Return of the Jen-I

I found a nice, new route from this town to my vacation spot of choice...and it is the same amount of time as from my old town to said VSOC. Just in time for this to most likely have been my last trip between the two. Hrm.

Anywho, all routes from Iowa to VSOC go through the Twin Cities. Usually St Paul on the 35E rather than Minneapolis on the 35W, and a good thing, too. My brother was on the 35E when the 35W collapsed. But. I have lots of friends and family members who live in the Twin Cities. After all, if you're going to escape from Duluth-Superior, the closest logical choice is Minneapolis-St Paul. Luckily all of them are fine. Scary moment when we first heard (at about 7:00 that night, in a local bar), and then there was much camping out in front of a cable TV for the next day--something I normally shun when on vacation.

If you're the praying kind, say one for the missing eight and their families. The only thing worse than losing a loved one would have to be not having them recovered, I think.

Glad to see Keith and his loved ones are safe.

Helpful Hint: Before going on vacation, check the bathroom(s) after you make the kids "try to go" in order to make sure they flushed. Good Lord, the smell.

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Posted by Jenelle at August 5, 2007 09:12 PM | TrackBack