December 05, 2007

Feeling It, Not Believing It

I like Christmas--buying and wrapping the presents, making cookies, the old claymation tv specials, and the music.

I love singing Christmas songs, especially the more religious/inspirational ones like Silent Night and O Come All Ye Faithful and The Little Drummer Boy. I sing O Holy Night pretty much year-round (to myself, of course).

The thing is, I love singing songs like that--I sing The Battle Hymn of the Republic and Amazing Grace all the time. I was in the church choir in my younger days when my parents actually belonged to a church.

But even back in the day, I didn't actually believe in the words of those songs. I can see why true believers would be inspired and uplifted by hymns and carols, but my enjoyment has always been mostly aesthetic.

Much as my enjoyment of Christmas as a whole is aesthetic rather than spiritual. I'm afraid I'm just a pagan at heart.

Posted by Jenelle at December 5, 2007 01:33 AM | TrackBack

I could do without most of it. It's too much work to select, wrap, send and recieve gifts. Then there's the flurry of Christmas cards, thank you notes, family newsletters, etc. Like people in this world don't already have enough work to do! It's like one big 6-week-long chore. Gah.

Posted by: shank at December 5, 2007 12:53 PM

Exactly! I couldn't said it better. I always say I'm more sacrilegious than religious.

My favorite Christmas song is Andy Williams doing Do You Hear What I Hear. Not for the message, but the majesty.

Posted by: Jay at December 7, 2007 11:18 AM