March 11, 2008

At a Loss

So this is midterm week (next week is Spring Break, woo!), and tomorrow I have to turn in a "first draft" of a 15-page research paper. The final paper is due at the end of the semester.

I don't know what the hell to do about this "first draft" me, a first draft is practically the final draft. Minor grammatical and sentence structure revisions are all that stand between my first drafts and final drafts.

So I guess I turn in some POS paper that is only half-done? Then the teacher gets to rip it apart and make suggestions, and then at the end of the semester I turn in some awesomeness that she gets to assume the credit for shaping and directing?

Is this high school now? WTF? It's an upper-level class. I don't get it.

Now go help Frank J find a job.

It'll be good practice for you, because in May you'll need to help me find a job.

Posted by Jenelle at March 11, 2008 09:46 AM | TrackBack
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