September 18, 2006

Throwing Off the Curve

Just kidding. There is no curve.

Guess who got an "A" on her Latin exam. And not just a low "A" that I sort of thought was within reason to get. A high "A".

Look at me and my bad self.

In other news, I tanked on the osteology exam. But that one is curved, which gives me hope. It's totally not fair, because if you show me any bone in the body (no commentary from you, Shank), I can tell you what it is. But if you point to some random barely detectable lump on that bone, we might have problems. Not because I don't recognize it, necessarily, but probably because I can't conjure up the name for it out of my brain. If you, say, gave me a list of four choices...I could probably name it. But the test wasn't multiple choice.

Stupid bones and their stupid random tuberosities and stuff.

I'm guessing a "C" unless everyone else sucks, and then a "B".

Now that section is over and we can all move on with life.

I always have Latin to make me feel good about myself.

Posted by Jenelle at September 18, 2006 11:53 AM | TrackBack

I studied bones briefly as part of a larger subject. The phrase 'mandibular fossa' was the highlight for me, because it was just so much fun to say. FOSSAAAAAAAAH! :D

Posted by: shank at September 18, 2006 01:08 PM

I like to say "ischial tuberosities" myself.

Congrats on the high A. I used to be a curve wrecker, myself, and truth be told, I enjoyed that role.

Posted by: Victor at September 18, 2006 01:55 PM