September 19, 2006

Wandering Around Campus

I have a break on Tuesdays from 10:20 to 1:05, so I took the scenic route to the library where I did some reading between classes. Along the way, I saw a guy dressed up like a pirate, yelling piratey things to let everyone know about "Talk Like a Pirate Day". He had a pirate wench with him, who was writing on the sidewalk in chalk about pirates' booty. Pirates get the booty. Get it?

From there, I saw a guy randomly opening up a fire hydrant. He didn't seem to be uniformed or name-tagged to indicate his employment with the university facilities I don't know what that was about. The flood of water rushing down the hill accompanied me as I walked down to the library. When I came out a little over an hour later, it had dried up. And he might have been arrested. I'll have to remember to check the student newspaper tomorrow.

Right before class, I wandered back up the hill and into a book store, where I bought a couple books and a Mad Libs. I haven't done those in a hundred years, but I need a little stress-reduction in my life. Preferably before I get fired for telling customers to go play in traffic. (Something that happened yesterday, actually, so I may be in for a talking-to tomorrow.)

What else is going on? Oh, got my contract for my writing thing. Very exciting. Now I just need to research and write the thing. I can't be more detailed than that on the blog.

I'm also considering turning into a joiner now that I'm in the home stretch of my educamation. I already do community service stuff, but I think I may have to network and schmooze in my areas of study. Make relationships with people who can write recommendation letters for me. That sort of thing.

I just don't really have a lot of spare time. So I'm getting a little stressed.

Posted by Jenelle at September 19, 2006 02:33 PM | TrackBack

If you're really stressed, you could head over to the Psych department and play with the rats, you know. That's what I'd do, anyway.

Posted by: Victor at September 20, 2006 05:56 AM

Or you could find yourself a willing coed and an empty study room in said library and get. it. on. That's what I'd do anyway.

Posted by: shank at September 20, 2006 06:45 AM

Be sure to share some of those Mad Libs with us :-)

Posted by: Harvey at September 26, 2006 01:43 PM